[IPSN 2023] Zehua Sun, Tao Ni, Huanqi Yang, Kai Liu, Yu Zhang, Tao Gu and Weitao Xu, "FLoRa: Energy-Efficient, Reliable, and Beamforming-Assisted Over-The-Air Firmware Update in LoRa Networks", accepted by IPSN 2023.
[Percom 2023] Di Duan, Huanqi Yang, Guohao Lan, Tianxing Li, Xiaohua Jia, and Weitao Xu, "EMGSense: A Low-Effort Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for EMG Sensing", accepted by Percom 2023.
[S&P 2023] Tao Ni, Xiaokuan Zhang, Chaoshun Zuo, Jianfeng Li, Zhenyu Yan, Wubing Wang, Weitao Xu and Qingchuan Zhao, "Uncovering User Interactions on Smartphones via Contactless Wireless Charging Side Channels", accepted by S&P 2023.
[INFOCOM 2023] Huanqi Yang, Zehua Sun, Hongbo Liu, Xianjin Xia, Yu Zhang, Tao Gu, Gerhard Hancke and Weitao Xu, "ChirpKey: A Chirp-level Information-based Key Generation Scheme for LoRa Networks via Perturbed Compressed Sensing", accepted by INFOCOM 2023.
[UbiComp CPD Workshop 2022] Keqi Song, Zimeng Zhu, Huanqi Yang, Tao Ni, and Weitao Xu, "MobileKey: A Fast and Robust Key Generation System for Mobile Devices".
[MASS 2022]Weitao Xu, Jun Young Kim, Walter Huang, Wen Hu, Salil Kanhere, Sanjay Jha, and Prasant Misra, "A Novel Emergency Light Based Smart Building Solution: Design, Implementation and Use Cases", MASS 2022.
[USENIX Security 2023] Tao Ni, Guohao Lan, Jia Zhang, Qingchuan Zhao, and Weitao Xu. "Eavesdropping Mobile App Activity via Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting", accepted by USENIX Security 2023.
[IMWUT 2022] Yongliang Chen, Tao Ni, Weitao Xu, and Tao Gu. "SwipePass: Acoustic-based Second-factor User Authentication for Smartphones", IMWUT 2022.
[ICDCS 2022] Huanqi Yang, Hongbo Liu, Yuezhong Wu, Chengwen Luo, Wei Li, Albert Zomaya, Linqi Song and Weitao Xu. "Vehicle-Key: A Secret Key Establishment Scheme for LoRa-enabled IoV Communications", Accepted by ICDCS 2022.
[IPSN 2022] Bo Wei, Weitao Xu, Kai Li, Chengwen Luo, Jin Zhang. "i^2Key: A Cross-sensor Symmetric Key Generation System using Inertial Measurements and Inaudible Sound", Accepted by IPSN 2022. (CCF B)
[INFOCOM 2022] Jiao Li, Yang Liu, Weitao Xu, Zhenjiang Li. "GASLA: Enhancing the Applicability of Sign Language Translation", Accepted by INFOCOM 2022. (CCF A)
[IPSN 2021]Weitao Xu, Zhenjiang Li, Wanli Xue, Xiaotong Yu, Bo Wei, Jia Wang, Chengwen Luo, Wei Li, Albert Y. Zomaya. "InaudibleKey: Generic Inaudible Acoustic Signal based Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Devices", IPSN 2021, MAY 18-21, 2021, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (CCF B)
[IPSN 2021] Jiayao Gao, Weitao Xu, Salil Kanhere, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "A Novel Model-Based Security Scheme for LoRa Key Generation", IPSN 2021, MAY 18-21, 2021, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. (CCF B)
[Mobicom 2020] Jun Liu, Weitao Xu, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "Nephalai: Towards LPWAN C-RAN with Physical Layer Compression", Mobicom 2020, 21-25 Sep, London, United Kingdom. (CCF A)[PDF]
[IROS 2020] Bo Wei, Weitao Xu, Chengwen Luo, Guillaume Zoppi, Dong Ma, Sen Wang. "SolarSLAM: Battery-free Loop Closure for Indoor Localisation", IROS 2020. (CCF C)
[Ubicomp 2020] Qi Lin, Weitao Xu*, Guohao Lan, Hong Jia, Yesheng Cui, Wen Hu, Mahbuh Hassan, Aruna Seneviratne. "KEHKey: Kinetic Energy Harvester-based Authentication and Key Generation for Body Area Network", IMWUT 2020. (CCF A)
[MSN 2019] Jin Zhang, Fuxiang Wu, Wen Hu, Qieshi Zhang, Weitao Xu, Jun Cheng. "WiEnhance: Towards Data Augmentation in Human Activity Recognition using WiFi signal", IEEE MSN 2019, Hong Kong, 2019.12.11-12.13. (CCF C)
[IPSN 2019] Qi Lin, Weitao Xu*, Jun Liu, Abdelwahed Khamis, Wen Hu, Mahbub Hassan. "H2B: Heartbeat-based Secret Key Generation Using Piezo Vibration Sensors", Montreal, Canada, 2019.04.16-04.18. (CCF B)
[INFOCOM 2019] Chengwen Luo, Xingyu Feng, Junliang Chen, Weitao Xu, Jianqiang Li, Wei Li, Li Zhang, Zahir Tari, Albert Y. Zomaya. Brush like a Dentist: Accurate Monitoring of Toothbrushing via Wrist-Worn Gesture Sensing, Paris, France, 2019.04.29-05.02. (CCF A)
[TrustCom 2018]Weitao Xu, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu, Exploring the Feasibility of Physical Layer Key Generation for LoRaWAN, New York, USA, 2018.7.31-2018.8.03. (CCF C)
[IoTDI 2018] Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. SEHS: Simultaneous Energy Harvesting and Sensing using Piezoelectric Energy Harvester, Florida, USA, 2018.04.17-20
[Percom 2018] Yiran Shen, Fengyuan Yang, Bowen Du, Weitao Xu, Chengwen Luo and Hongkai Wen. "Shake-n-Shack: Enabling Data Exchange Between Smart Wearables via Handshakes", Athens, Greece, 2018.3.19-23. (CCF B)
[Ubicomp' 2018] Yongtuo Zhang, Wen Hu, Weitao Xu, Chun Tong Chou. “Continuous Authentication Using Eye Movement Response of Implicit Visual Stimuli”, Singapore, 2018.10.09-11. (CCF A)
[Mobiquitous' 2017] Guohao Lan, Dong Ma, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. “CapSense: Capacitor-based Activity Sensing for Kinetic Energy Harvesting Powered Wearable Devices”. In Proceedings of 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.11.7-10. (CCF C)
[Mobiquitous' 2017] Jin Zhang, Weitao Xu, Wen Hu, Salil Kanhere. “WiCare: Towards In-Situ Breath Monitoring”. In Proceedings of 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous), Melbourne, Australia, 2017.11.7-10. (CCF C)
[IOTDI' 2017]Weitao Xu, Yiran Shen, Yongtuo Zhang, Neil Bergmann, Wen Hu. "Gait-Watch: A Context-aware Authentication System for Smart Watch Based on Gait Recognition". Pittsburgh, USA, 2017.04.18-04.21.
[Percom' 2017] Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Sara Khalifa, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. “VEH-COM:Demodulating Vibration Energy Harvesting for Short Range Communication”. In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing (Percom), Hawaii, USA, 2017.3.13-17. (CCF B)
[NDSS' 2017]Weitao Xu, Guohao Lan, Qi Lin, Sara Khalifa, Neil Bergmann, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. “KEH-Gait: Towards a Mobile Healthcare User Authentication System by Kinetic Energy Harvesting”. In Proceedings of the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2017 (NDSS 2017), San Diego, California, USA, 2017.2.26-3.1. (CCF B)
[IPSN' 2016]Weitao Xu, Yiran Shen, Neil Bergmann,Wen Hu. "Sensor-assisted Face Recognition System on Smart Glass via Multi-view Sparse Representation Classification". In Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), pp. 1-12, Vienna, Austria, 2016.4.11-16. (CCF B)
[IPSN' 2016]Weitao Xu, Girish Revadigar, Chengwen Luo, Neil Bergmann,Wen Hu. "Walkie-Talkie: Motion-Assisted Automatic Key Generation for Secure On-Body Device Communication". In Proceedings of the 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), pp. 1-12, Vienna, Austria, 2016.4.11-16 [Best Paper Runner-up Award]. (CCF B)
[Percom' 2016] Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Sara Khalifa, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "Transportation Mode Detection Using Kinetic Energy Harvesting Wearables". Sydney, Australia, 2016.03.14-03.18 [Best WiP Poster Award]. (CCF B)
[Percom' 2016] Girish Revadigar, Chitra Javali, Weitao Xu, Wen Hu, Sanjay Jha. "Secure Key Generation and Distribution Protocol for Wearable Devices". Sydney, Australia, 2016.03.14-03.18. (CCF B)
[EWSN' 2016] Yongtuo Zhang, Wen hu, Weitao Xu, Hongkai wen, Chun Tung Chou. "NaviGlass: Indoor Localisation Using Smart Glasses", TU Graz, Austria, 2016.02.15-17
Journal Articles
[IoTJ] Xingyu Feng, Chengwen Luo, Jiongzhang Chen, Yijing Huang, Jin Zhang, Weitao Xu, Jianqiang Li, and Victor C.M. Leung. "IoTSL: Towards Efficient Distributed Learning for Resource-constrained Internet of Things", accepted by IEEE IoT Journal in December 2022.
[TMC]Weitao Xu, Huanqi Yang, Jiongzhang Chen, Chengwen Luo, Jia Zhang, Yuliang Zhao and Wen Jung Li. "WashRing: An Energy-efficient and Highly Accurate Handwashing Monitoring System via Smart Ring", accepted by IEEE TMC in December 2022.
[TOSN] Zehua Sun, Kai Liu, Zhimeng Yin, Zhenjiang Li, Weitao Xu. "Recent Advances in LoRa: A Comprehensive Survey", accepted by ACM Transactions on Sensor Network in June 2022.
[Computer Communications] Wanli Xue, Yiran Shen, Chengwen Luo, Weitao Xu, Wen Hu, Aruna Seneviratne. "A differential privacy-based classification system for edge computing in IoT", Computer Communications, Volume 182, pages 117-128.
[TITS] Xingyu Feng, Chengwen Luo, Bo Wei, Jin Zhang, Jianqiang Li, Huihui Wang, Weitao Xu, Mun Chan, Victor Leung. "Time-constrained Ensemble Sensing with Heterogeneous IoT Devices in Intelligent Transportation Systems", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems in April 2022.
[TMC] Junqing Zhang, Yushi Zheng, Weitao Xu, Yingying Chen. "H2K: A Heartbeat-based Key Generation Framework for ECG and PPG Signals", accepted by IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing in July 2021.
[DSP] Shuqi Liu, Wei Shao, Tan Li, Weitao Xu, Linqi Song. "Recent advances in biometrics-based user authentication for wearable devices: A contemporary survey", accepted by Digital Signal Processing.
[IoTJ]Weitao Xu, Wanli Xue, Qi Lin, Guohao Lan, Xingyu Feng, Bo Wei, Chengwen Luo, Wei Li,Albert Y. Zomaya. "PrivGait: An Energy Harvesting-based Privacy-Preserving User Identification System by Gait Analysis", Accepted by IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
[TIoT] Bo Wei, Kai Li, Chengwen Luo, Weitao Xu, Jin Zhang, Kuan Zhang. "No Need of Data Pre-processing: A General Framework for Radio-Based Device-Free Context Awareness". Accepted by ACM Transactions on Internet of Things.
[TMC] Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "Simultaneous Energy Harvesting and Gait Recognition using Piezoelectric Energy Harvester". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, accepted in Oct 2020. (SCI IF: 5.115, CCF A) [PDF]
[CSUR]Weitao Xu, Junqing Zhang, Shunqi Huang, Chengwen Luo, Wei Li. "Key Generation for Internet of Things: A Contemporary Survey". ACM Computing Surveys, accepted in Oct 2020. (IF: 7.99) [PDF]
[TITS] Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu*, Dong Ma, Sara Khalifa, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "EnTrans: Leveraging Kinetic Energy Harvesting Signal for Transportation Mode Detection". IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, Volume 21, Issue 7, pp. 2816-2827, July 2020. (IF: 6.319, CCF B)
[Ad Hoc Networks]Weitao Xu, Yiran Shen, Chengwen Luo, Jianqiang Li, Wei Li, Albert Y. Zomaya. "Gait-Watch: A Gait-based Context-aware Authentication System for Smart Watch via Sparse Coding". Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 107, June 2020. (IF: 3.643, CCF C) [PDF]
[Ad Hoc Networks]Weitao Xu, Xiang Zhang, Lina Yao, Wanli Xue, Bo Wei. "Multi-view CNN-based Acoustic Classification System for Automatic Animal Species Identification". Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 102, May 2020. (IF: 3.643, CCF C)[PDF]
[TOSN] Yiran Shen, Bowen Du, Weitao Xu, Chengwen Luo, Bo Wei, Lizhen Cui, Hongkai Wen. "Securing Cyber-Physical Social Interactions on Wrist-worn Devices". ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2020. (SCI IF: 2.322, CCF B)
[TIoT] Guohao Lan, Dong Ma, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "Capacitor based activity sensing for kinetic powered wearable IoTs", ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, February 2020.
[TIoT] Chengwen Luo, Jiawei Wu, Jianqiang Li*, Jia Wang, Weitao Xu, Bo Wei, Wei Li, Zhong Ming, Albert Y. Zomaya. "Gait Recognition as a Service for Unobtrusive User Identification in Smart Spaces", ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2020.
[IEEE IoT Journal]Weitao Xu, Jun Young Kim, Walter Huang, Salil Kanhere, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "Measurement, Characterization and Modeling of LoRa Technology in Multi-floor Buildings". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 298-310, January 2020. (SCI IF: 9.936)
[IEEE IoT Journal]Weitao Xu, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "LoRa-Key: Secure Key Generation System for LoRa-based Network". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 6404-6416, August 2019. (SCI IF: 9.936)
[IEEE IoT Journal]Weitao Xu, Jin Zhang, Jun Young Kim, Salil Kanhere, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "The Design, Implementation, and Deployment of a Smart Lighting System for Smart Buildings". IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 7266-7281 , August 2019. (SCI IF: 9.936)
[TMC]Weitao Xu, Guohao Lan*, Qi Lin, Sara Khalifa, Neil Bergmann, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "KEH-Gait: Using Kinetic Energy Harvesting for Gait-based User Authentication System", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, volume 18, issue 1, pp. 139-152, Jan. 2019. (SCI IF: 5.115, CCF A)
[TDSC] Yiran Shen, Hongkai Wen*, Chengwen Luo, Weitao Xu, Tao Zhang, Wen Hu and Daniela Rus. "GaitLock: Protect Virtual and Augmented Reality Headsets Using Gait", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, volume 16, issue 3, pp.484-497, June 2019. (SCI IF: 6.864, CCF A)
[TMC]Weitao Xu, Yiran Shen*, Neil Bergmann, Wen Hu. "Sensor-assisted Multi-view Face Recognition System on Smart Glass", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (SCI IF: 3.822, CCF A), volume 17, issue 1, pp.197-210, Jan 2018. (SCI IF: 5.115, CCF A)
[TIFS] Girish Revadigar, Chitra Javali, Weitao Xu, Sanjay Jha, Wen Hu. "Accelerometer and Fuzzy Vault-Based Secure Group Key Generation and Sharing Protocol for Smart Wearables", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, volume 12, issue 10, pp. 2467-2482, Oct. 2017. (SCI IF: 6.013, CCF A)
[TOSN]Weitao Xu, Girish Revadigar, Chengwen Luo*, Neil Bergmann, Wen Hu. "Gait-Key: A Gait-based Shared Secret Key Generation Protocol for Wearable Devices", ACM Transactions on Sensor Network, volume 13, issue 1, February 2017. (SCI IF: 2.322, CCF B)
[Sensys' 2018] Jun Liu, Weitao Xu, Wen Hu. "Poster Abstract: Energy Efficient LPWAN Decoding via Joint Sparse Approximation"
[IoTDI 2018] Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "Demo abstract: simultaneous energy harvesting and sensing using piezoelectric energy harvester"
[Mobiquitous 2017] Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Weitao Xu, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu. "Poster abstract: unobtrusive user verification using piezoelectric energy harvesting"
[Sensys' 2015] Yiran Shen, Chengwen Luo, Weitao Xu, Wen Hu. "Poster: An Online Approach for Gait Recognition on Smart Glasses".
[SenSys 2015 Doctoral Colloquium (DC)] Weitao Xu "Mobile applications based on smart wearable devices".
[SenSys' 2015] Weitao Xu, Yiran Shen, Neil Bergmann, Wen Hu. "Poster Abstract: Robust and Efficient Sensor-assistedFace Recognition System on Smart Glass".
Weitao Xu, Guohao Lan,"Smart Authentication System for Personal Wearable Devices". In Book "Wireless Body Area Networks - Enabling Technologies and Emerging Applications".